…We cannot expect that Krishna will take away all the obstacles so that everything becomes very, very nice. No- That is our business. It is our business to try and make unfavorable conditions favorable. That is our devotional service…
…When the circumstances are very favorable that is nice and easy. But, than we see that we will be tested how we act in unfavorable circumstances and how we will endeavor to make these unfavorable circumstances favorable for Krishna. That is in particularly the way the Lord is stretching our surrender, further and further. First, He’ll give us some encouragement, He’ll make it little easy, He’ll lead us along, and than when we gain a little more strength than He will start sending us these difficult things where under the most unfavorable conditions we have to transform things into the favorable by working very hard. There is no other way- It is by working very hard. And that is what Krishna desires to see. And with all our might, with intelligence and with endeavor- and if we do so, if we act in this way- than The Supreme Lord ultimately may give us success. We see the same example how Srila Prabhupada went trough all this trouble and strife. It started in Jhansi with the wife of the governor destroying his plans. And it just continued when for a short while tried to become the president of the Gaudiya Math in Delhi; that also was not very successful because he did not get very much- he did not get any money. For each rupee they were making so many difficulties. And there was nobody who wanted to work there; it was a temple- no one was very serious to work… So this was also not possible. So he went alone to New York- which was very difficult of course, because he had no idea what New York was like. And in one letter to Janardana Prabhupada wrote, He said: “Actually it was nothing short of a miracle what happened, because- I was old. I had no money. I was in the strange country that I did not know. So against all the odds I was successful. It was a miracle.” Prabhupada said it himself- It was a miracle like that…
…So that is what will happen, because for Lord Krishna nothing is a miracle. Everything is very easy. He can do everything and anything simply by His desire- Therefore against the odds He can change- If He has seen by the endeavor of His devotee that the desire of the devotee is so strong to serve Him in a particular way, And when He is just seeing: “ He is trying so much. He is trying and trying and trying in spite of the fact that it is impossible.” – Than Krishna, Who has a very soft hearth, becomes moved… And because He becomes moved that He will make the arrangement, than suddenly everything becomes possible.
So this is the principle on which this movement is going on…
…The first and foremost principle is to our desire to please Krishna against all the odds. The material energy seems to be very intimidating. The material nature seems to prove again and again that it is impossible, that nothing can be done, that it is too late, that it is lost, that we cannot do anything about it anymore that we might as well give up. And that is the nature of the material energy- it shows us the opposition- overpowering. Yet, the process of devotional service is such that no matter how great the obstacles are that we continue understanding that Lord Krishna, The supreme Lord, is always with His devotee…
31. Aug 1997 CC Adi 14.33.-37.