Sunday, February 9

From the 15th till the 19th of May the wonderful festival of Nrsimha caturdasi took place in the mountains of Bavaria on the Simhachalam Farm in Germany.

Many senior vaisnava’s visited and together with more then 350 devotees it was a super festival.
Lord Nrsimhadeva was pleased imho with the classes and kirtans of HH Sacinandana, Kadamba Kanana Swami’s, HG Kripamoya prabhu and many others.
We had the oppertunity to record classes, bhajans and kirtans, and i am presenting them now for your pleasure.

You can download them, or listen to them online.

(To download to your computer, please use “right mouse button –> Save Target as…”)
For the excellent bhajans from Madhava and his band, look at day 3 and day 4
Day 1 – 15 may

Day 2 – 16 may

Day 3 – 17 may

Day 4 – 18 may

Day 5 – 19 may

If you cannot use the links
1) Visit and search for nrsimha + Simhachalam

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