Saturday, February 15

Excerpt from KKS Diary of a spiritual journey 22
Bhaktivionode Thakura writes; “Krsna’s activities are of two types: daily and occasional. In Goloka all the eightfold pastimes unfold daily. In the earthly pastimes, occasional pastimes are joined to the eightfold pastimes. Krsna’s coming to and going from Vraja and his killing of the demons are occasional pastimes. They are unavoidable for the devotee still living in the material world. Those occasional pastimes are present in Goloka in an indirect way, but are actually present only in the material world. These occasional pastimes, which are unfavorable for the practice of meditating on the daily pastimes, are given a symbolic significance . By remembering those pastimes the devotee aspires to destroy his own sinful conduct.

Putana represents the fake guru who teaches bhukti and mukti, material enjoyment and liberation. Devotees attached to bhukti and mukti are like Putana. Being merciful to the pure devotees, Krsna as a baby, killed Putana to protect the devotees’ newly appearing affection for him.

The cart represents the load produced by old and recently acquired bad habits, by laxity and by pride. The mood created by thinking of baby Krsna breaks the cart, or removes this evil.

The whirlwind demon represents pride in being learned, and the consequent use of faulty arguments and dry logic, the quest for liberation, and association with such people. This includes all types atheists believing in material causality. Being merciful on seeing the affection for the devotee to Him baby Krsna kills that whirlwind and removes the obstacles to worship.

Pride stemming from intoxication with wealth, which breeds violence, illicit sex and addiction to wine, and finally loose speaking and shameless brutality to other living beings, is represented by the Yamala Arjuna trees. Krsna, being merciful, removes this sin in breaking the Yamala Arjuna trees.

Being controlled by greed and the sinful activities caused by it are represented by Vatsasura. By Krsna’s mercy this fault is vanquished.

False dealing due to deceit and cheating are represented by Bakasura. Without eliminating this, pure bhakti does not appear.

The sinful mentality to do violence to others is represented by Aghasura. This tendency must be removed. It is one of the offenses.

Skepticism due to practicing jnana and karma and disregard for the sweetness of Krsna from attachment to the Lord’s majestic aspect are presented by Brahma when he was put into illusion by Krsna.

Complete ignorance of spiritual truth, originating from material intelligence, lack of spiritual intuition and foolishness, which is contrary to spiritual knowledge, is represented by Dhenuka.

Pride, deceit, harming others, cruelty, represented by Kaliya must be given up by the devotee.

Any type of conflict such as argument, disagreement with other sampradayas, malice to devatas, fighting are represented by the forest fire.

Pralambasura represents lust for women, greed, desire for worship and position. These must also be given up.

The forest fire which Krsna swallowed represents the obstacles that atheists create against dharma and preachers of dharma.

The brahmanas performing yajna represent indifference to Krsna caused by identity with varnasrama or absorption in karma khanda.

Worship of Indra signifies worship of many gods, or worship of self as God.

Varuna symbolizes intoxicants. Some people mistakenly think that liquor will increase spiritual bliss. Such thinking must be given up.

The snake which attempted to swallow Nanda Maharaja represents Mayavada and similar philosophies which try to swallow up the real nature of bhakti. Mayavada association must be avoided.

Sankhacuda symbolizes desire for fame and desire for women.

Aristasura the bull demon symbolizes disregard for bhakti and attraction for cheating religion.

The illusion of being a great devotee or acarya, is represented by Kesi. Lording it over others and material pride must be given up.

Vyomasura represents thieves and fake devotees.

In the Eighth Chapter of Sri Krsna Samhita from the thirteenth verse to the end of the chapter, the eighteen anarthas which are obstacles to Vraja bhajana have been mentioned. Adding to this the pride of wealth represented by the Yamala arjuna trees and the pride of performance of karma represented by the brahmanas, it becomes twenty obstacles. These twenty are unfavorable for Vraja bhajana. The serious chanter should first address the Lord and pray to him for the power to give up these unfavorable items. By doing this the heart becomes purified. If the devotee prays humbly to Krsna to remove all the obstacles in the heart which are represented by the demons He killed, He will certainly do so. All the obstacles represented by the demons whom Balarama killed can be removed by the efforts of the devotee himself

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