Saturday, February 15

HH KKS:Complete samadhi means 24 hours absorption in Krishna, all the time. So this is a very exalted platform. So there are many different natured people….many are there in this movement who are deeply absorbed in always serving and remembering Krishna. We should not underestimate the advancement that the Vaisnavas have made. There are some extraordinary personalities throughout this movement. And therefore not a single Vaisnava is an ordinary person; every Vaisnava has Krishna to some extent. And every Vaisnava can give us Krishna. But we must increase this and increase and increase ……like here in Amsterdam we have developed a culture of Bhajan evenings – that is good …that is a culture of increasing the focus on Krishna, it increases Krishna Consciousness. Now all we have to do is come together every night …we have to somewhere find a place elsewhere not a night can go by without hearing about Krishna. How is it possible what will you do – all those nights there is no bhajan evening! – Oh My God! you know -you sit there with a depressed face looking out of the window waiting for the next bhajan evening…. No it should be every night, every night should be a great…. a great Krishna conscious gathering …should be a festival, a festival of remembering Krishna and glorifying Krishna and hearing about Krishna. Dancing for Krishna…. should be plays…. let’s make a puppet show for Krishna, let’s get creative do something wild instead of boring.

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