HH KKS: If we neglect our preaching and are all day into sadhana then after some time that sadhana will become dry…… And we are chanting 64 rounds and every ekadasi we are doing total nirjala no matter what season or not and sure enough the five last days of Kartik we do the whole …panchagarvia (sanskirit)..thing..right..with cow dung and cow urine as well ..and everything included…we don’t cut our nails, we don’t cut our beard and we let our hair grow and everything we do and that’s not all …we sleep on the floor and we eat on the floor with hands on our back! Right…and only go down once …and if you lift your head you are finished eating for that day and all this tapasya …catur masya and all that also ………………..become dry! It become s dry !
And even if we hear from morning to night , from morning to night we hear Krishna Katha …Now I will make sure I am always thinking of Krishna …I will have a tape recorder and I will have it on my head all day long and I will just hear Prabhupada ….but even then …right….even then one can become dry in his heart ….…….Why…Why…Isn’t this one of the essential things to hear about Krishna and isn’t that suppose to fill the heart…..sanskrit……Hearing of Krishna, isn’t it suppose to give us taste and bliss…then ….how can it be that even if you hear all day that your heart can still become dry ???…………………..
Because ultimately unless we become the servant of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and develop the mood of compassion for the conditioned souls…It Won’t Work!!!!!!
It is not enough…If you don’t preach …No Juice…all the sadhana becomes dry without preaching …because it remains self centered….sanskrit……Prahalada Maharaja is explaining how even if one follows great vows of austerities such as….sanskrit….or if one goes to the forest ..ultimately just one’s bhajan alone …sanskrit…the firm determination will not come …until one becomes concerned with the well beings of all other beings…and especially in this age …….that is the Yuga Dharma …Harinama sankirtana…so we must do that we must preach…we must preach….otherwise still not good enough………………………..(More in part9)