HH KKS- 2003: When the Spiritual Master is qualified and when the Disciple is qualified , then the relationship can be successful So many times we are making the whole thing about the qualifications about the Spiritual Master , we are looking at that…but there are also many many qualifications of being a disciple ….it is actually not so easy to being a disciple . disciple means that one should find out the standards of prescribed behaviour …disciple means that one is following the scriptures, disciple means that the relationship that exists between Guru and Disciple is governed by Krishna , it is not governed by the sentiment that exists between the two.
In this world relationships are governed by the sentiment that exists between two people and according to that they are reciprocating with one and other. But the relationship between Guru and Disciple is governed by the scriptures ….there maybe sentiment also …infact there must be sentiment it says in scripture…(Sanskrit)…there must be a relationship of firm friendship …there must be a genuine relationship of appreciation and trust and so on…but beyond that the relationship is governed by the scriptures …………………
As good as God…I was told when I approached my Spiritual Master for intiation …He said, “Hmmmm……As good as God….. are you prepared?” …and I said umm well ………i don’t know …errr “Yes” I thought: “I don’t know” …I didn’t say that! I just said with a weak voice ..I said “Yes”….because it’s not so simple ..…but that is Krishna’s standard…so what can we say …that is Krishna’s system ….so somehow or other gradually we must bring this relationship to this point…