Friday, February 7

Just a few days ago, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived back in South Africa! After all the super amazing and surcharging festivals that devotees were presenting on the blog of Maharaja’s travels in Europe and Mayapur, Maharaja is doing it all again here in SA! Yes, there is no stopping him…!

Last Thursday he arrived in Pretoria and immediatly the next day, burst into Newcastle (a small town near Durban) for a three day Ratha Yatra festival. Although Maharaja was saying that the Newcastle Ratha Yatra came so early in his SA schedule this year and was really tired from soooo many Ratha Yatra’s and festivals around the world, he of course did it once again and really gave himself fully as always in making the festival vibrant and pumping with nectar! Together with Maharaja at the festival, was Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja and Visvambara Madhava Maharaja and they certainly had a good time together (as you can see in the pics) in distributing the mercy of Lord Caitanya. Below is a slideshow of the pics of Maharaja’s travels in Newcastle.
Maharaja is now in back in Pretoria taking some time “off” and preparing for the big 21st annual Durban Ratha Yatra festival which takes place over the Easter weekend next week. It’s a major, major 4 day preaching event with international leaders from all over the world flying in. Maharaja has become an important and vital part of the Durban Ratha Yatra, which is considered to be the biggest Ratha Yatra outside Jagannatha Puri! Will keep you posted and updated…

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