Sunday, January 19

HH KKS: It is stated that Krishna is also present in the consciousness of the conditioned soul…and Krishna… it is said is waiting in the consciousness of the conditioned soul…and He is just watching everything that’s going on there…He is witnessing everything…(SANSKRIT)…He’s the one who gives permissions…and He’s the one who’s witnessing everything…so Krishna is the…(SANSKRIT)…is the witness and the overseer…is witnessing everything…and He’s waiting in the consciousness…and as soon as there’s a trace of interest to turn towards Krishna…a little interest…immediately Krishna begins to work actively in the consciousness of that devotee…He begins to actively take actions…so it is described in the 10th chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita in the purport…(SANSKRIT)…and from that particular point we can understand one thing…and that thing is that: Krishna is more eager for the living beings to go back to Godhead than the living beings are themselves…thus Krishna is more eager…more eager…to make the connection with his devotees than the devotee are to make with Him!… And thus Krishna makes so many arrangements…so many arrangements…this also explains the reason why there is suffering in this world…the reason why there is suffering is because Krishna can’t tolerate it any longer…are you coming back home or not?…How long is it gonna take?…do I have to wait for eternity?…are you really going to be…(SANSKRIT)…eternally fallen?…no…that’s intolerable…I cannot bear the separation from you any longer…no…no…no…no…no…this cannot be…this cannot be…I’m very sorry but I’ll have to spoil your fun…and thus Krishna is spoiling our fun by adding a little pinch of suffering to the material existence so that we come to our senses after a while…after we bash into a few walls…after a few…after one painful experience…after another painful experience…we gradually begin to think “what kind of a world is this actually?”

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