HH KKS: How Krishna appears in the heart of Vasudev, how do they compare?…it is written like that in the purports in the tenth canto…at the time of the appearance of Krishna and it is said this is diksha…because diksha is the process through which we are transferring…(sanskrit)…transcendental knowledge…and such transcendental knowledge is not book knowledge…the spiritual master is not a person who is simply transferring book knowledge…but he is transferring consciousness…because he has realized the knowledge…thus his consciousness is based on the knowledge of the scripture…thus he is the person Bhagavat who is non-different from the book Bhagavat …thus from the consciousness and in his heart he is transferring this knowledge…of course in the case of Vasudev and Devaki there was immediate result…it went very quick…the pure consciousness of Vasudev…Krishna entered into it…it was…Vasudev’s consciousness was transparent through the mood of the Lord…he was completely in the mood of serving the Lord…the Lord came…the Lord entered his pure heart and immediately into the pure heart of Devaki and subsequently into her womb.
..so generally in the Guru disciple relationship …Krishna is manifesting Himself in the pure consciousness of the spiritual master…is coming through the spiritual master…then is coming to the disciple and then through a gradual process that knowledge becomes ripened within the disciple…thus it is generally given in the form of a seed which then gradually sprouts and grows and produces fruit…but in the case of Devaki it immediately…the seed immediately was fully manifest in producing the full fruit and so on and she therefore was fully qualified to have the Supreme Lord as her child…in fact she was already qualified before…but the principles is the same…the dynamics of transferring…being the (sanskrit) of the pure transcendental knowledge…consciousness…which is changing the consciousness …in this way the Guru’s consciousness is changing the consciousness of the disciple…it’s the instruction…but the instruction comes from the consciousness…and the consciousness which is behind the instruction gives the meaning because he lives it…and the disciple sees…he sees…yes…my Guru is…is the embodiment of this instruction…and thus he has full faith in the instruction…and then he can take it and really dedicate his life to it…otherwise…you know…how can you dedicate your life to it…very difficult as a disciple …but if he sees that my Guru is the embodiment of this then he can...(03-14-09- Stockholm)