HH KKS: You have to conquer the spiritual master…yesterday you remember there was the story of the dog and…Sivananda….and it was explained that Sivananda ……… The dog attained the mercy of the Lord because Sivananda had become attached to the dog…so the stress in that narration is put on that the spiritual master had become attached to the disciple…not the disciple attached to the spiritual master…but the spiritual master attached to the disciple…so thus the disciple has to conquer the spiritual master…not the spiritual master has to conquer the disciple… “Ok…Guru Maharaj…what tricks are you going to show us this visit?!…the last visit you did a wonderful appearance on a flying motorbike through a ring of fire while quoting slokas…and chanting Japa with the other hand at the same time” (laughter from audience)…it was really good…it was great…then he led a kirtan which broke the ceiling…it was amazing”…sometimes my Kirtans have been announced as…’And now Kadamba Kanana Maharaj is going to lead a kirtan and it will be an explosion of an explosion’…(audience laughter)…this is too much…now my reputation is killing me…and this is bizarre…now I have to do an explosion of an explosion…(audience laughter)…what am I gonna do next time?
…so…no it’s the disciple that has to conquer the spiritual master by the service…by the service attitude…it’s not that the disciple has to do something extraordinary…and only such disciples conquer the heart of the spiritual master…the spiritual master is very soft hearted…it doesn’t take that much…but when the spiritual master sees a real service attitude in a disciple then he becomes conquered…he becomes conquered…immediately his heart softens…so this is…this is what we have to keep it up…the service attitude to our spiritual master.(03-14-09- Stockholm)