HH KKS: In the material world everyone is always hungry…and…or…another way to say always effected by lusty desires…these lusty desires then they become so strong ….they become so strong they begin to influence our entire consciousness…they’re everywhere…and the result is…(sanskrit)…then our consciousness becomes covered…it becomes covered and we can no longer perceive Krishna then we forget Krishna…thus forgetfulness of Krishna is not just due to our own poor memory rather it due to becoming preoccupied more and more with lusty activities with the desire to enjoy…it takes the level of obsession thus one can truly say that everyone in the material world is obsessed…obsession is very intense…very strong overpowering behavior and really that would be the psychological term for the affliction of lust…………obsession! That is quite something if you think about it thus the conditioned soul is in a psychological state of obsession which is a pathological condition in a sense or that means a diseased condition…thus the Vedic scriptures speak of (sanskrit)…the disease in the heart…or (sanskrit) …the weakness of the heart which is referring to the same symptoms of disease in the heart…lust…envy…greed…all these kind of symptoms…the six enemies (sanskrit) lust…greed…anger…madness…envy…illusion…all these are the six enemies…these are the weaknesses…these are the obsessions…lust and envy…the obsession of burning lust is so intense it is accompanied by intense frustration and the frustration increases when our neighbors are enjoying…we are not…and they are…and thus naturally envy is coming out of the heart more and more…. (03-14-09- Stockholm)

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