HH KKS: Krishna is not tolerant with such demoniac personalities, not at all…The Lord is a Person when we sometimes see new people come in the temple and they get confronted with the painting of Lord Nrsimhadev who has just killed Hiraṇyakaśipu and who has placed the intestines of Hiraṇyakaśipu like a garland around His neck…. The blood is dripping from those intestines and sometimes people actually register what’s on the picture?…many people really don’t really see its colour…But some people: “What is that?”…
It takes some explanation…”That’s God”…”Oh…I see!”…It looks like we are worshipping a God of wrath…a God who is a punishing God…right?…And not the God of love and thus it seems that the type of worship is of a inferior nature and is rather…. is not understanding of the loving nature of the supreme Lord, but that is not correct because Lord Nrsimhadev is the emblem of soft heartedness although on the outside He is a little..little hard ….it’s said…(SANSKRIT)…He has nails like thunderbolts…and…thus Lord Nrsimhadev on the outside could be described as hard but on the inside very soft because after He appeared like this Lion out of soft heartedness…out of His sense of protection for Prahlada….when Hiraṇyakaśipu was ready…ready to slaughter this innocent child the Lord would not just sit there and watch…this was not possible…He had to do something and then He turned ferocious…and that’s to His credit….if He would have been sort of oblivious to the whole thing then we would have had a hard time appreciating the Supreme Personality of Godhead…thus we see that Lord Nrsimhadev is actually very soft and gentle by nature. And when Prahlada came before Lord Nrsimhadeva and when Prahlad offered prayers before Lord Nrsimhadeva immediately His anger was appeased…it is said even after killing Hiraṇyakaśipu, Lord Nrsimhadev was so angry… it was as if He was burning and the whole universe was simply shaking in fear including all the principle demi-gods and Lord Brahma was afraid… Laxmi was afraid…so Lord Brahma sort of reasoned that “well Prahlad, He appeared because of you, so you take care of it”…and he pushed Prahlad forward…and Prahlad went there with a garland….and Prabhupad said “Just see…just see…he comes with a garland to the killer of his father…what is this…what is this?”…again…looking at the situation from the mundane point of view…but Prahlad was not seeing like that….Prahlad could understand here is the Supreme Lord…he offered Him the garland and immediately the Supreme Lord became very peaceful…because by nature the Lord is peaceful…by nature the Lord is kind…by nature the Lord is impartial…the Lord is by no means…by no means envious of anyone or negatively disposed to anyone…it is simply the living being who brings it upon himself…but sometimes the Lord does become angry…that is a fact…when the living being misbehaves He does become quite angry…it’s not that he is just shanti shanti and shanti only…no…He can be also quite upset.

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