Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd
HH KKS: One doesn’t become a Well Wisher just by giving material things…Oh let’s help others…let’s give them warm coats in the winter and nice warm soup in the winter…and things like this…that’s not enough…that’s not enough…we give warm coats and warm soup and they stay alcoholics!…No! we must also cure them…but first O’ doctor heal thyself…it starts at home…because we ourselves also are corrupted…corrupted by the Iron Age…what is normal in the Iron Age is not normal at all…I was just on a journey on Singapore airlines last month and it was interesting because you have these stewardesses they all look the same with their Singaporean outfits…and elegant and so on…and they have that Asian culture…sort of a very pious culture…a service attitude…like we don’t have that in Europe
in the same way…so they were like very nice…they were coming with folded hands…they had a nice smile…and they would bow down…very elegant and in a real nice service mood and then they’d say, “Would you like some whisky?”…(audience laughs)…and…”Would you like some beef or would you like fish?”…But all with the gestures of Vedic culture…it was really interesting I was studying the whole thing…and I was watching how they have the culture……. but somehow or another they have lost the knowledge…the culture is intact…the respectful attitude…not like…(Maharaj mocks an uncultured person)…”Would you like fish or beef?…fish or beef?”…Plunk…(audience laughs)…You know even In economy class they have that culture with folded hands…very nice…like Vedic culture…but the knowledge is lost…so all that is lacking is the knowledge…Sri Chaitanya combined the enthusiasm with
knowledge followed by culture and that
is this movement we have here today…
.(03-14-09- Stockholm)