Tuesday, January 21

Transcribed by Nama-rupa dd

HH KKS: Prabupada was on his morning walk and they came to a playground for children…and it said something like children’s playground…a sign there…and Prabupada then turned around and pointed with his cane to the high rise building of the city and he said “adults playground”. So the whole world is our playground…playboys…playgirls…yes, let’s go…and nowadays there’s no reason to stop at a young age…no…no…you can still enjoy at your old age…oh yes…yes life begins at 60 (audience laughter)…no problem at all….at 70 still going strong…at 80 still enjoying…although it gets a little tough…but they think of all kinds of ways to entertain even the old folks…I read in one old age home they had a special room which was like a train…it was just like a train…they had the seats of a train…the room was like a compartment of a train and there were windows and behind the windows there were TV screens which were showing landscape going by…and then it was very convenient for relatives that would come visit there old…well…grandmothers and grandfathers because they could go in the train room and then they weren’t so forced to have a conversation and there was also sort of something to talk about…so they’d sit in the train seats…even the noise was there from the train…choochoo…choochoo…whatever noises trains make…and then showing a bridge………it opened up everything for easy conversation…so even over 80 there are still all kinds of enjoyments…there are train rooms and bingo evenings and so many other things…there is no lack of ability to keep on enjoying in the material world…but it is Krishna who really spoils the fun…it is really Krishna who put the sand in the sweet rice…who did it?…it was Krishna…what a thing to do?…Yes…why does he do that?…Out of love…You call that love?…sand in my sweet rice…yes because there is something so much better…so much better than what we are trying to enjoy here!..(03-14-09- Stockholm)

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