Friday, December 13

HH KKS: So this envy exists…it exists in all kinds of relationships…it exists in companies…there was a story about a company where there was one man named Jones…and Jones was what you call in English a gopher …a gopher means someone…….in India a person…or someone who is just sent around for anyone…”Jones go bring the coffee…Jones drop this note off…Jones go to the car and bring…Jones…Jones…Jones”….all day long…”Jones”…”Yes boss”…Jones…”Yes boss”…
So Jones would come home and Jones he had a dog…you know the name of the dog? :….Jones……yes!…and he would call Jones… “Jones come here you stupid dog…Jones sit up”…and the dog would sit up and then Jones would push him over with his foot and the dog would fall…”You stupid Jones”…and then he’d say again “Jones sit up” …and he’d do it again…so this gives a little bit some of the psychology that exist in the material world…where we are not enjoying but establishing ourselves as superior over others…we get some pleasure…that tendency is very deep and we know the root cause is ultimately wanting to become superior to Krishna…wanting to be the supreme…the center of the attention…the worshipable object…so these two material elements…(SANSKRIT)…or lust and envy…are really what drives the living being in the material world…in a desire for enjoyment…

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