Not At All Ordinary Personalities
It is said in Jagannath Puri, if one has transcendental vision one sees these people of Jagannath Puri walking around in the streets, (they are looking like, well most people in India, some are smoking bidis, a national pastime, bidi bidi bidi, they are smoking bidi and so many other things and yet! In spite of all that) those with transcendental vision can see that they all have four arms, they can see that they all have four arms! Actually, you can see it …all the residents of Puri all have four arms. So one with transcendental vision can see that the pilgrims that come to Radhadesh are not at all ordinary personalities but are highly effulgent and transcendental sages! We don’t know what they have been in previous lives, and maybe, brahmanas, brahmanas who have studied Vedic scriptures three times, full study, maybe, maybe possible in a last life, then this life somehow or other some birth somewhere on the planet and then here, suddenly here…. but now following the Sankirtan movement of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu!
The Vaishnava Is The Servant Of Krishna
So this is the first point I want to make is the extraordinary potency of this movement that the people that we are dealing with are not at all ordinary people. We never know who a Vaishnava is. But a Vaishnava is never an ordinary person. Not because of the service he has done in this life, but even everything he has done in his previous life. Here we are dealing with someone who has pleased Krishna over many lives: Over many lifetimes. And these are the Vaishnava’s! …………… The Vaishnava is the servant of Krishna, and Krishna has accepted him as such and therefore the blessing of Krishna are one with him, and by serving the Vaishnava’s one can attain to Krishna. The quality that attracts Krishna the most is humility.
Lord Chaitanya Served The Vaishnavas
When Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nimai Pandit was a scholar He was very proud. Very proud! He was so learned no one could defeat him, He would challenge everyone and try to get them to be before Him then smashed them. Then Nimai went to Gaya and performed that sradha ceremony, met His spiritual master and when He came back after meeting His spiritual master, Nimai became a devotee, He became so humble! He was so humble! He began to serve all the Vaishnavas. And the Vaishnavas, because, He was serving them, they blessed Him. We bless Nimai that He may also become a Vaishnava! We bless Him that His devotion to the Lord will become fixed. In this way, it is through the devotees that we get devotional service, you see. Devotees they are living devotional service.
You Can’t Just Do your Own Thing
Alone you cannot serve Krishna. You cannot manufacture your own, your own system to serve. Imagine someone, you have an office and you hire an office assistant, and instead of doing what you want to do he tries to help you by what he wants to do. Then, he’ll drive you crazy!!! He’ll drive you absolutely mad right? I mean just try to learn, try to learn right? We’re doing it in this way in this office, is what you’re trying to tell him. We have a company, we have customers, we have a system and you have to learn the system. You can’t just do your own thing. So in the same way, in Krishna consciousness, there is a system. There is a company which is serving and the customer is Krishna. And the whole company is dedicated to satisfying Krishna. And the whole company of the Vaishnavas is working to satisfy Krishna. Then anyone wants to join that company must also learn how to satisfy Krishna.
(HH KKS 31/07/2005)