Maharaja graced our house by a short visit and leading our little home program. Although he was very tired from the last two Ratha Yatra festivals in Leipzig and Berlin, Germany, he tirelessly sang bhajans. The program was attended by 15 devotees and there was a nice informal atmosphere. Maharaja spoke in the beginning about some insights into kali and similarities in other religions. During and after prasadam he spoke about his book that he is composing at the moment. It will be called “Visvram Mandir” and it deals with the “sacred space” that we need to cultivate and from where we can extract the drive to continue in Krishna Consciousness. It is our duty to fill this sacred space with our finest memories, situations and other positive experiences as a storage. We then can go into our sacred space as a meditation and be reminded about Krishna.

The program continued till 22:00 after which the last guest left home again. It was a wonderful short visit and everybody was happy. Gauranga !!

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