Friday, February 7

(Kadamba Kanana Swami 01/2010)

‘Mind, Body and Words. And the words are also dedicated to the glorification of the Supreme Lord. So in this way by hearing pure words, by speaking pure words, the mind is further purified. So there is a connection: mind body and words. These three are together and if we invest in one of the there: Then it will benefit the other two. If you work with the body for Krishna then gradually the mind and the words will become more Krishna conscious. If you always speak about Krishna – then your actions will also become for Krishna:
Mind Body and Words!’…

Lord Chaitanya took sanyassa – He took sanyassa in the ekadanda line, in the line of Sankaracharya but of course that was only external because He was all along saying (Sanskrit) one must take shelter of the Lotus Feet of Mukunda, that is the verse of the Vaishnava. So Lord Chaitanya although externally taking ekadanda in fact He was fixing the three dandas in His mind.

These three dandas- it is interesting that Vaishnava sanyassa is known as tri-dandi sanyassa, and this tri dandi sanyassa is found in the Manu Samhita.
In the Manu Samhita there is a reference to tridandi sanyassa which is quite interesting authorising the sanyassa which as was introduced by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada- as our Prabhupada gave it to us:
Three dandas: Mind, body and words, which are dedicated to the Supreme Lord.

So Lord Chaitanya also in that way fully dedicated mind, body and words in service to the Supreme Lord.

So mind is referring to thinking, feeling and willing. These are the functions of the mind. So when we are dedicating our thinking, feeling and willing to the Supreme Personality of Godhead then internally we are pure, then when we are dedicating our body to the service of the Supreme Lord, then that service that we perform with our body, this will further purify our mind and our consciousness.

Pure thoughts are producing pure actions and pure actions further purify the thoughts. Just as we are hearing about devotional service and by hearing about devotional service, we are developing some desire to engage in devotional service and then when we engage in devotional service, that will further purify our thoughts.

So when you are hearing constantly about mundane things and people just tell you all the time:
‘Just do it, Just do it’
‘Oh maybe I should just do it’
So therefore whatever we hear has a direct influence on us. According to our consciousness we become influenced in various ways – by what we associate with.

So by associating with the devotees, pure influences come in the mind and then from that platform some purity, some pure thoughts will develop:
‘Devotional service might be nice’
Then by engaging that devotional service internally we become further pure.

Mind, Body and Words. And the words are also dedicated to the glorification of the Supreme Lord. So in this way by hearing pure words, by speaking pure words, the mind is further purified. So there is a connection, mind body and words. These three are together and if we invest in one of the three: Then it will benefit the other two.
If you work with the body for Krishna then gradually the mind and the words will become more Krishna consciousness, If you always speak about Krishna then your actions will also become for Krishna: Mind Body and Words!

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