Sunday, February 9

Our problem is not that the chanting doesn’t work. Our problem is that we don’t work when it comes to chanting. Our problem is that we think:
“Phhheeeww, do I really have to lift my hand? And put it all the way inside that bead bag. These beads are very heavy! Then do I have to do all that work? And move my fingers on these beads? It’s tiring! (laughter). I really have to do all that? Better I take a little rest first, so that I will have some energy. Oops, already prasadam time!”

In this way, the rounds will remain for the late night. It’s that time that we chant. Maybe, with one finger on the keyboard of the computer, and a few rounds while driving. Then a few rounds while shopping, and the rest of the rounds in front of the TV. Like that we somehow or other faithfully everyday chant our 16 rounds for the pleasure of the Lord. “ My dear Krsna this is my offering to you and I’m doing it with love and devotion”.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami 24th June 2010)

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