Sunday, February 9
Ragunatha Das Goswami was the abode of the holy name. Always there, the holy name was inseperable from him. Anytime, Ragunatha Das Goswami could be found with the holy name. Where is the holy name? Where is the holy name? Oh, just go find Ragunatha Das Goswami. Theres the holy name, the abode of the holy name. See what it means, it’s amazing. Just a simple little statement, the abode of the holy name. I was just thinking about it, so many thoughts came. Of course we cannot just become like that but we can try, we can try to always chant. Here, there, everywhere, inbetween, chant! Chant the holy name.
We remember that in Prabhupada Lilamrita on one occasion there was a bead bag hanging on the door knob and Prabhupada said, “Whose beads are crying?” They were beads of the GBC and they were hanging on the door knob and Prabhupada said, “Whose beads are crying?” Yes, our beads are meant to be around our neck. They are meant to be with us. Not just when we are chanting the sixteen rounds that we keep those beads with us. No, they are meant to be with us, as much as possible.

Kadamba Kanana Swami
October 6th 2010, Melbourne, Austrailia

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