Sunday, February 9
That is part of the meditation, I’m allowed to chant,not I have to chant. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep beep! Oh no, oh God it’s not true. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep! Oh no, please,the snooze button. Anything, anything but getting up… A few minutes later,again: Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep beep! Oh god. Push the snooze button a few more times and then its over, I guess I have to do it, get up. Alright the whole thing and then, Oh no the day has started again. Now again I have to chant Hare Krsna. Again I’m starting on zero. Everyday again it starts with zero. Oh dear, oh dear, alright, lets knock a hole in it. Lets get serious, lets try for six atleast, in a row. “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.” Six, ping! Applause! I deserve some rest that was hard work. Six rounds at a stretch! What shall I do now? Eat something? Download some email? Or just sit and space out? That’s a good idea! Maybe I could find some one to talk to that would help. Anything but more chanting, six is a lot! All in on stretch! Need a breather inbetween. This is all in the mood that I have to chant. Again I have to, I have to chant. Eight rounds, hey hey, midway, half done! Getting there. Nine! More than half, the finish is in sight, right. Twelve – almost there. Thirteen – three more to go, it’s a breeze, I’ll save it for tonight. And then at night somehow or other (imitates sleepy japa), at night somehow or other 16 rounds done! Ok, finished! Hang the beads on the hook and not one name extra. Come on, 16 is enough, finished. It’s because we have to chant our rounds.
Kadamba Kanana Swami
Melbourne, Australia
October 6th 2010

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