Sunday, February 9
You like us!
You keep coming back!

Thank you for coming, and thank you Aatish, Hina, Rukmini, Ragalekha, Nama Rupa, and the many others that are contributing daily to this website. Without you this blog would be empty and soulless.

This month we got these numbers :
Pageviews today 66
Pageviews yesterday 195
Pageviews last month  5,400
Pageviews all time history  22,149

Coming changes for a better future.
This blog has been started in jan 2008. Before that there was only the website to provide you with news about HH Kadamba Kanana Swami. In 2005 was started. And to download classes and videos you could go to another website
This blog has been using the blogger software that Google provides, and it is beginning to show its limitations. Uploading mp3’s and other big media files is too slow & complicated for our editors. So we need a better and faster solution.

New Plans
– Move the kksblog to a new server
– Move also to this server
– Change blog software to WordPress
– Enable easy uploading of mp3 and other files

Wanna help?

update : Thank you Tuuli from Finland for her donation!!

Let us know when you want to help in any way.
We need donations. The server hosting costs € 260/year.
Donate € 10
Donate € 25
Donate € 50 (get a free CD)

We need writers!!!
We need media guru’s….

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