Sunday, February 9

The last four days, Maharaja had spent in Ljubljana, Slovenia. There a kirtana festival took place with famous singers and speakers, namely Jayadvaita Maharaja, Candramauli Maharaja, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, Madhava Prabhu and Hare Krsna Prabhu.The kirtanas of Kadamba Kanana Maharaja and Hare Krsna Prabhu were explosive, getting everyone to dance with Candramauli Swami leading the dacning, who is famous for his fancy dance moves, whereas Jayadvaita Maharaja distributed some nectar in the form of super-sharp and intelligent classes!

Meanwhile Madhava ended up each day with his meditative Bhajanas, dedicated to Ljubljana’s Pancha Tattva deities, the beautiful Radha Syama murtis from Munich and Madhava’s own deity of Haridasa Thakura. All glories to all the dedicated devotees who spent 24 hours on this weekend to glorify the Holy Name of the Lord. Enjoy the pictures!

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