Friday, January 17

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

The advanced stages of devotional service is when you are deeply attached to Krishna and then you develop all these great symptoms of ‘bhāva’. You do not want to waste time….you are totally fixed….you want to only serve Krishna! Totally detached from the material things and you are free from pride.

Hope against hopes means:

“Even though I am not qualified still Krishna will surely be merciful to me”.

Intense eagerness, not just ‘laulyam’- intense eagerness to be purified but ‘samut- kantha’ – intense eagerness for the association of Krishna. Here in ‘bhāva,’ the eagerness relates to the association of Krishna – constant taste for hearing…addiction to glorifying Krishna…would love to live in the dham. These are all qualities of the highly advanced devotees!

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