From our short stay in Munich it was off to a summer camp in Serbia, called Fruska Gauranga. Kadamba Kanana Maharaja arrived there on the fourth day of the camp. The weather was brilliant – sunny days in the middle of a Serbian jungle.

On the camp Maharaja was busy giving classes and darshanas to inspire all the vaishnavas. Most of the attending devotees were disciples of Sacinandana Maharaja, who gave a lot of Krsna Katha and sang amazingly sweet Bhajanas, but they certainly also relished Maharaja’s rocking Kirtanas.

On the fifth day there even was a small but ecstatic Ratha-Yatra, concluding in a nice evening program with Kirtana, lectures and an exciting fireshow.

In that way the camp offered a lot of spiritual inspirations to all the devotees. Enjoy the pictures!

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