Saturday, February 8

After five days of tasting the full nectar of the Holy Name, manifested by various great kirtaneers in the Kirtana Mela, the festival continued in the nearby inner city of Leipzig. There the devotees, charged by the intense chanting, pulled the Lord in His form as Jagannatha through the streets of Leipzig. Kadamba Kanana Maharaja was the first to lead the kirtana, followed by Lokanatha Maharaja and Sacinandana Maharaja. It was the biggest Krishna concious event that ever took place in Leipzig. The procession ended in the Clara Zetkin Park, where different programs took place, like bhajanas and a theater. Jayadvaita Maharaja inspired everyone by tirelessly answering all kind of questions in the Q&A tent, whereas Kadamba Kanana Swami rocked the stage in a final kirtana.

The next day an initiation ceremony took place in the Leipzig temple. As Maharaja mentioned in his talk, it has been a rare occasion, since both, Kadamba Kanana Swami himself as well as his spiritual master Jayadvaita Maharaja were present. Both of them have given a talk before the diciples received their new names. One devotee from Finnland received the most auspicious name Nityananda Dasa, while one local mataji was named Akuti, which means ‘she who attains her goal’.

After the ceremony, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja went on to the Berlin temple to celebrate Radhastami on the following day. There he led the bahajanas, which accompanied the bathing ceremony of the deities, and gave the morning and evening classes together with Kavichandra Maharaja.

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