Friday, February 7

(Kadamba Kanana Swami,Modra, Slovakia, 2011)

I was reading the Sushruta Samhita which is a book about ayruveda which said:

“A thousand years ago, when there was a fracture, then they would put a bandage with herbs around it. Exactly at the point where the bone was broken, a red line would appear on the bandage.”

In that way they could see exactly how it was fractured and they could set it up:

‘ So what is better, a herb bandage or an xray?’

So, in this way with our so called progress we have made life more and more difficult. What if I was to put on the dinner table, next to the pepper and salt, a spray can to kill insects! Then you add a little salt and pepper to the subhji and you take the spray can and you spray everything with pesticide:

‘What do you think? A good idea?’

There is no need to put a spray can on the table because everything is already pres-sprayed. That has already been done….yum…yum.

There was a green peace poster which said:

“In the daily food package of man, there are the same amount of chemicals as twenty aspirins!”

So that is quite a bit if you think about it. So with things like that we are just wondering:

‘Where are we now? Does man know more than ever before? Or do we know less than ever before?’

And in the name of education and advancement, we are day by day sinking deeper into ignorance, and gradually what are we bringing to the world? So like this, we see that so much knowledge in the world is not bringing happiness! But we say:

“No No! but there is a lot of progress!”

Nowadays we have very good medical care. Yes…but we also do not know the science of the herbs in the forest anymore! And by now there is very less forest left, so the herbs are also less powerful than in the past.

Gradually man has become estranged from nature, by forgetting the one thing that we are part of nature ourselves. The Bhagavat Gita reconnects us with our original roots. It reconnects us not only with nature but it also gives us a deeper understanding of what nature truly is!

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