Thursday, January 16

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

Srila Prabhupada said:

“Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy – not that we try to do some impossible work, become over burdened and then because we are not happy by so much trouble, that we lose all the enthusiasm altogether, and give up all hope. No, too much endeavour should be avoided. By all means we much reserve our spiritual status – that is the point. Not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees life members and this and that. No, these are only ways to engage the devotees, so they may apply the principles of devotional living to some kind of work for practical realization of these principles.

It’s not the result of the work we want. If we only sincerely preach to one person a day, that is sufficient. Never mind big big programs. So my request to you is that you do not be bothered by these things. Krishna doesn’t like to see his sincere devotees suffer or become frustrated or depressed. He will not stand by idly at such a case. He has some plan for you and always think in that way, and very soon He will provide everything to your heart’s desire!”

This is obviously a letter written to a devotee who had the nature to create too much stress and to take on too much service. But it is something to keep in mind and it’s not that he was the only one. Many devotees have tried to do too much!

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