Friday, February 7

(Kadamba Kanana Swami) Lecture – Seminar ‘Getting inspiration from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta’

Transcribed by Matsya das

In the process of devotional service, it has been said:

“anarthopasamam saksad bhakti-yogam adhoksaje,” (SB 1.7.6),

that devotional service can destroy the seeds in the heart of all these material anarthas (unwanted desires) and contaminations. They will be destroyed from the heart by this process of devotional service. But, it is explained that in the course of devotional service, there are two types of offenses:

One is nama-aparadha and the other one is seva-aparadha. They are included in the sixty four aspects of devotional service, because these sixty four aspects of devotional service include both positive activities and prohibitions. Now, there are thirty two offenses that can be made in the cause of serving the deity, seva-aparadha. It’s said that if one commits seva-aparadha, as Srila Vishvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains, then one’s reactions will only cause suffering during the devotional service. It will not contaminate the heart with new anarthas. But nama-aparadha actually contaminates the heart and creates new anarthas within the heart.

If we purposely, consciously commit seva-aparadha… Let’s say one thinks:

‘Bowing down again?? I just did it!’

You know, you’re in the temple, you go out for one minute, and you’re coming back thinking like that. So you just fold your hands… That’s seva-aparadha becoming nama-aparadha, because one is consciously ignoring the prescribed rule. But if one somehow or other forgets certain details in the course of service, and not purposely, but accidentally breaks these rules of prescribed behaviour towards the deity, then it is seva-aparadha and reactions come in the cause of one’s service, and they don’t contaminate the heart.

Contamination of the heart, as we can see means planting seeds in our hearts, and these seeds are fructifying in big creepers. So these seeds are there and later on again other similar opportunities come, and we find that we become less serious and less careful. So this is very very dangerous!


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