Kadamba Kanana Swami’s stay in New York continued with many more programs. In the days leading up to Gaura Purnima, he gave classes discussing the different topics of the CC.
Then to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima, Maharaja went to the Radha Govinda Temple in Brooklyn which was just a 30 minute drive away from the Bhakti Centre. HH Romapada Swami, who was also present at the program, spoke on the glorious appearance of Lord Caitanya and Kadamba Kanana Swami led bhajanas.
On Saturday (10 March), Maharaja attended the Gaura Purnima celebration in Jersey. This program was held at the Hilton Hotel and was organised by Madhu Pati Prabhu, a god-brother of Maharaja. It was a beautiful program that consisted of theatre plays, ecstatic kirtanas and discourses on the appearance of Lord Gauranga.
On Sunday, the celebrations continued further in the Bhakti Centre where once again the golden avatar was glorified by kirtana and ecstatic katha.
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