Saturday, February 15

Update : The deadline is extended to 8 april 2012

On the 29th of April the Vyasa puja Festival and Queensday Harinam will take place in Radhadesh and Amsterdam. Our aim is to create a wonderful book with your offerings, writings and other contributions for Kadamba Kanana Swami. If you like to send your offering, writing or any other creative outburst then please send it before the 1st of April.

deadline: 8 april 2012
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1 Comment

  1. Hare Krishna!

    Here is my Vyasapuja offering 2012 to KKS. I hope it is ok to send it in this way. I could not do it otherway.

    Dear Kadamba Kanana Swami,

    This is Your Vyasapuja day and we like to bow down in Your Lotus feet and pray Your mercy. I wish You remember Your insignificant servants.

    You have come here to material world to safe conditioned souls so that they will not suffer so much here and could understand their position as a spiritual being. I wish that we could also understand that and tell that message to other people.

    When You sing the glories of Krishna, You give people so much inspiration and faith in Krishna conciousness. I wish we can hear Your singing every day and feel the exctasy.

    You are a spiritual master coming down from disciplic succestion and You are a representative of Krishna. I wish some day we understand that You are a manifestation of Krishna.

    Chanting the names of God is the essential method of selfrealisation in this age. I hope that by Your mercy we can also realise that.

    We can not try to aproach by our own efforts Lord Krishna. One has to serve a servant of Him. I wish that we no longer have ‘selfmademans’ mentality.

    You are the only shelter that help us when we suffer and struggle here in the material world. I wish we can more and more surrender at Your lotus feet.

    It is so sweet to have Your personal association. I hope that we can feel it every day although we can not be with You personally so often.

    Your unqualified servants Manu and family