Here are the lectures given by HH Kadamba Kanana Swami from the 27 March – 01 April 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Included are all the classes, which were held in the temple (SB. 7.15.25-26; BG. 2.17; CC. Adi 11.3) as well as the tow lectures, given on Rama Navami.
To download the lectures, just right-click them and ‘save target as’.
KKS – BG. 2.17, 27 March 2012 in Cape Town
KKS – CC Adi 11.3, 28 March 2012 in Cape Town
KKS – SB 7.15.25, 30 March 2012 in Cape Town
KKS – SB 7.15.26, 31 March 2012 in Cape Town
KKS – Rama Navami lecture Part I, 01 April 2012 in Cape Town
KKS – Rama Navami lecture Part II, 01 April 2012 in Cape Town