Saturday, February 15

Queensday was again upon us and has happened in a big way. At least 200 devotees joined the many visitors of the Amsterdam Queensday festival. And it was ecstatic again like always. Kadamba Kanana Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Parasurama prabhu and Kripamoya prabhhu all joined to lead the wonderful mega huge harinam through the streets of Amsterdam for over 8! hours. We chanted Hare Krishna on top of our lungs and danced our feet into blisters. All for the mercy and to enlighten the visitors of Amsterdam. Parasurama prabhu from Ireland even brought his whole soundsystem plus deity cart. Check out the photos !!

If you want to see more photos  from the queensday then checkout these albums on facebook :
(You need to login and to be friends with these people to see the photos)

Photo Album Nama Rupa dd
Photo Album Sanatani dd 

Here are some photos from the Queensday 2012

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