(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Soweto South Africa, 15th April 2012) Lecture: CC Talk
African culture in many ways is closer to Vedic culture than the European culture – definitely. I think that the dress, the village life and the cows – so many of the customs are there. We think that in the past there was a connection. Just like now with the world culture of blue jeans and T-shirts. It doesn’t matter where you go, whether you go to Soweto or Tokyo, it’s blue jeans and T-shirt – the whole world.
You travel to China and what are they wearing? Blue jeans and T-shirts, and I think:
‘Oh God!’
And it’s all made in China, but the whole world is wearing it now. We sort of have the one culture. In the past there was a connection where the Vedic culture had its influence in Africa, Europe and America, which we can see, that there are many similarities. I know in South America they have pillars (columns) and with statues of different Gods on them, and when you go to South India, they’re just the same ones. When you ask the people in Mexico:
‘Who is this God?’
‘It is the Rain God.’
When you ask some one in South India:
‘Who is this God?’
‘It is the Rain God.’
It’s the same! So there are many similarities which you will find everywhere. In Russia you will find paintings of brahmacaris and they have sikhas! They look like brahmacaris with sikhas, just like we do. With so many things we see that one Vedic culture influencing the world! So the traditional African culture and the roots of Africa are very close to the roots of India!