Thursday, January 16

The Serbian Summer camp was full of seminars, morning classes and inspiring bhajans from senior vaisnava’s and other devotees. It was a wonderful event happening in the tranquil environment of Fruska Gora, the National Park of Serbia. You can join in with the festivities by listening to the morning classes, relish the bhajans and you can dance in your living room together with the first ever Ratha Yatra in Novi Sad, Serbia. Kadamba Kanana swami rocks again the Serbian camp and even Krsna Ksetra prabhu goes in overdrive. So if you are curious then without further a due listen to this wonderful media. And as a bonus you can also see some glimpses of the festival in the videos from the 12 Bhajans and the Ratha Yatra Festival below.

If you cannot see the audio player below then please visit
(To download “right-click” and “save target as…” or “save link as…”)

Morning Classes

10 jul 2012
Jaya Radha-Madhava – download (to download “right-click” and “save links as…”)
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1.15 download

12 jul 2012
Jaya Radha-Madhava – download

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.3 – download

 13 jul 2012
Jaya Radha-Madhava – download

Caitanya caritamrta – Anthya lila 1.101 – download

12 H Bhajans

Bhakti Vaibhava Swami – download

Krsna Ksetra Prabhu – download

Kadamba Kanana Swami – download

Sacinandana Swami – download

More Bhajans

Kadamba Kanana Swami – download

Sacinandana Swami – download

The videos

If you cannot view the videos below then visit the youtube page of

12H Bhajans – Kadamba Kanana swami is playing

Ratha Yatra in Novi Sad, Serbia

Until next year


  1. Anonymous on

    hare krishna prabhu,
    this link does not work , Caitanya caritamrta – Anthya lila 1.101 – download
    it is downloading – Kks sb 6-1-15 and not Cc anthya lila 1.101
    will you please check,