Saturday, February 8

During the Ratha Yatra in Amsterdam, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja rocked the audience with a full-on kirtana, with Madhava Prabhu as his drummer. A large crowd of people assembled in front of the stage and danced enthusiastically. Amongst the dancers, one could spot Muslims, Krsnas, hippies, rastas, old-folk and young – all united, chanting in transcendental ecstasy. After Maharaja, Madhava Prabhu took over the lead and concluded the festival with his beautiful rendition of bhajana.


The next day, 300 devotees from a cruise that was touring different parts of Europe, joined-in to perform a Maha Harinama in the streets of Amsterdam. Apart from the yearly Queensday Harinama, this was the biggest Harinama Amsterdam has experienced in decades. And now you can see it for yourself.

Enjoy the videos. All the videos are recorded and edited by HG Astasakhi devi dasi from the Netherlands.

Ratha Yatra Parade:

Rati Manjari Mataji

Parividha Prabhu

Kadamba Kanana Swami

Lokanath Swami

Maha Maha Harinam:

take off  KKS

arrival @ dam LOK

small speech SNS

dansen op de dam. Via  nieuwendijk en Beurspassage  SNS

goinig back..KKS

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