(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 22 September 2012, Durban, South Africa)
Prabhupada said that we have a hammering technique. He said just like karate, we keep on hitting on the same spot until it cracks- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead…Supreme Personality of Godhead! Supreme Personality of Godhead and by the way if you didn’t get it, Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead! Believe it or not He really is the Supreme Personality of Godhead- Supreme! There is no other form that is equal. He is the Supreme, the ultimate authority, the ultimate form of the Lord. He is the topmost, that is Krsna.
And personality….He is not like the all-pervading, impersonal energy….om, some undefined force that is divine and is all pervading and present everywhere. That is His brahman energy. Yes He has impersonal energy and the root for all His energy is spiritual. He has personality and why would He not have? There’s personality everywhere in His creation and we have. So do you think that you have something that God doesn’t? Krsna has the original personality, adi purusa.
And then we get the last one, ‘of Godhead.’‘Godhead? The head of God? What is this?’ ‘Godhead’ may be a somewhat confusing word. ‘Godhead’ simply means that He is manifest in many aspects. That’s why it’s not just God. The word God is not enough; it doesn’t fully explain who Krsna is. ‘Godhead’ is correct because ‘Godhead’ is establishing advaitam acyutam anadir ananta-rupam, He has unlimited forms and yet He is one and the same and He has so many energies. Therefore ‘Godhead,’ the one who has so many different manifestations. That’s why, ‘Godhead.’ So this phrase, ‘the Supreme Personality of Godhead,’ which Srila Prabhupada stated so much is significant. So we should all be able to thoroughly understand this point, that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and explain how He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.