Wednesday, January 22

The stay in Vrndavana remains peaceful for Kadamba Kanana Maharaja. So far there have been no parikramas, no big trips or huge preaching arrangements; just simple writing and chanting which is periodically interrupted by some programs.

Last Saturday (27.10.2012), Maharaja visited the Vraja Mohana temple here. Sri Sri Radha-Vraja Mohana are the deities that were originally worshipped by Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura, in Keturi. Last year, Maharaja visited that place in Bangladesh and now, one year later, he completed this experience by taking stunning darsana of their Lordships.

On Sunday, Maharaja was invited for a small disciple gathering which turned into two hours of bhajanas, a sweet talk by Maharaja about the incomparable beauty of Krsna and then prasadam. After the program, Maharaja went on a walk through the gardens of the MVT guesthouse and was incidentally invited to have darsana of the Radha-Madhava deities of Bhaktivinoda Thakura! HG Fakhir Mohan Prabhu, a senior Sanskrit scholar from Orissa, discovered the whereabouts of these very special deities and managed to take them under his care. After about 20 minutes of classic bhajans led by Fakhir Mohan Prabhu, Kadamba Kanana Maharaja and Bhakti Varaha Maharaja were requested to carry their Lordships to a palanquin in order to start their procession to the Radha-Syamasundara altar in the Krsna-Balarama Mandir, where they will reside for the duration of the month of kartika.

In keeping with the tradition of kartika, Maharaja was invited to lead the Damodarastakam prayers on Wednesday. This innocent invitation turned into a three hour kirtan at full-steam, driving the whole 24-hour kirtan group and the assembled vaisnavas mad in ecstasy! Please find below, video clips of this grand kirtan.

And then, last but certainly not least, Maharaja’s travel party increased with the addition of a new member, who happens to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For one week now, Maharaja worships a small but very beautiful Govardhana Sila whose darsana you can find below!

If you cannot view the slide show or videos, just visit flickr or youtube.

KKS – Maha Kirtana Part I

KKS – Maha Kirtana Part II

KKS – Maha Kirtana Part III

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