Audio recordings
Please find below, the remaining lectures and bhajans by Kadamba Kanana Swami while he was in Cape Town. On Thursday (28 December), an evening program was held in glorification of Srila Prabhupada. Maharaja told pastimes based on famous pictures of Srila Prabhupada. Bhakti Caitanya Swami and Medhavi Prabhu (ACBSP) were present and they shared their memories. Also included are the recordings from Ratha Yatra, Sunday feast and the New Year’s eve house program.
KKS_Srila Prabhupada Evening_Cape Town_28 Dec 2012
KKS_QandA_part1_CapeTown_Ratha Yatra_29 Dec 2012
KKS_QandA_part2_CapeTown_Ratha Yatra_29 Dec 2012
KKS_Main stage_bhajan and talk_CapeTown_Ratha Yatra_29 Dec 2012
KKS_SundayFeast_Cape Town_30Dec2012
KKS_Bhajan_House Program_Cape Town_31Dec2012
Pictures from the above mentioned programs (except Ratha Yatra) are presented here and some nice ones from Snana Yatra that came in late. If you cannot view the slide-show, then click here to visit flickr.