Friday, February 7


Maharaja is still in South Africa. His recovery and health regime are still top priority. Although far from fully recovered, he continues doing programs whenever possible. He returned to Durban on 1 January and during the two days spent there, he gave a Srimad Bhagavatam class and paid a visit to Krsna Das Swami. He also continued with his long walks on the beach to help build-up his strength.

Thereafter, Maharaja travelled inland from Durban, to two towns i.e. Newcastle and Ladysmith, where enthusiastic devotees awaited him. Audio recordings and photos from these programs are presented below.

Maharaja is now in the Johannesburg region, for the final leg of the South African visit.



To download a class, right click and “save target as”.

KKS_Introduction and Kirtan_Newcastle_SA_3 January 2013

KKS_CC Lecture_Newcastle_SA_3 January 2013

KKS_Bhagavad Gita Class_Ladysmith_SA_4 January 2013


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