Sunday, February 9


The Queenday festival would have not been possible without the help of a lot of devotees. We like to thank everybody for the energy, help and happy singing & dancing.

Special mention goes out to :

Parasurama and crew 
They made sure we got beautiful sound during the whole Queensday parade. Parasurama came  from London in his yellow bus with eight devotees, a big bike,a  cart, Gaura Nitai deities, four speakers, amplifiers and lots more. They left from london on the 29 April at 11 pm and arrived at Queensday at 4 am. They participated in whole harinam and then left again at 7pm for their six hour trip back to London. All of this, just for us.

Cooking Crew.
We had such a lovely lunch – pasta with olives, breadsticks and halava. Free water was also supplied in abundance. This was not possible without the help of Vani and Amrita. They cooked the whole lunch and arranged the shopping and menu. This was all made possible and sponsored by ISKCON Amsterdam.

Tents and stage
Our tents and stage were brought to Amsterdam and built by Rick prabhu from Radhadesh. For many years, Rick Prabhu has for many helped us to bring the tents, tables, chairs and stage. In the middle of the night, Iskvaku and Markandeya organized the stands.
Manual helped organise and clean the special toilets that we rented. A big thanks to Parividha prabhu who made sure the toilets were received nicely. He also ensured that our wonderful spot was available.

The Harinam 
All glories to HH Kadamba Kanana Swami for guiding us through crowded Amsterdam and helping out with the police. It could not have been possible without his mercy.

We have probably forgotten many devotees who helped to make this day a wonderful experience. Thank you for your help. Krishna will be pleased with your services.

And another special thanks to ISKCON Amsterdam, Markandeya Dasa and Iksvaku for hosting this event.

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