After the kirtan festival in Villa Vrndavana (Italy), Maharaja attended the traditional summer camp in Serbia (8-14 July) which was held at the national park Fruska Gora near Novi Sad, capital of the Province of Vojvodina.
We are still not sure of the reason that Maharaja keeps coming to the camp for the tenth year in a row now but it couldn’t be the mosquitoes, the accommodation or the weather; yet we are so grateful that he has included this event into his travel schedule. Many devotees, spiritual masters and deities attended the camp; and the mercy flowed in all directions.
During his stay, Maharaja gave several classes and amongst others, a seminar on the topic of How to actually enter Sri Vrndavana Dham. The main point made was that one cannot merely buy a ticket and fly to Vrndavana as no amount of money can take us there but rather that Vrndavana is a state of consciousness.
The central event of the week was definitely the Ratha Yatra festival which was held in the city of Novi Sad, on the 10 July. Two hundred devotees sang and danced in front of Lord Jagannatha’s chariot and distributed prasadam, books and the holy name to everyone around.
The day after the Ratha Yatra, devotees organized a twelve hour kirtan, which has now become a tradition, and relished the nectar of the holy name, just like the bees who are constantly humming in the search of nectar. Maharaja sang at the final part of the evening, ending the day in a most ecstatic way.
During Maharaja’s last full day at the camp, he initiated two new diciples, giving them the names Dahani Devi Dasi and Nandarani Devi Dasi. It was held on the grass just outside of Maharaja’s room and the whole occasion was auspiciously blessed by the personal presence of Sri Giriraja Govinda.
Please find below, the various classes given by Maharaja during his stay. To download a class, just right-click on a title and “save target as“.
KKS – CC. Madhya 3.137 (introducing the seminar) – 08 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
KKS – Seminar Part I – 09 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
KKS – Seminar Part II – 10 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
KKS – Seminar Part III – 12 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
KKS – SB. 10.14.36 – 12 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
KKS – Initiation Lecture – 12 July 2013 in Fruska Gouranga, Serbia
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