Friday, February 7

Written by Bhakta Martin Kindt DSC_0313

From Radhadesh, after a turbulent twenty-one hour night journey, Kadamba Kanana Swami arrived in South Africa. After a short rest, on 7 September, together with Bhakti Charu Swami, Maharaja inaugurated the new Bhakti Yoga Centre in Sandton, an upmarket suburb of Johannesburg. Iskcon Sandton provides a beautiful new platform for university preaching, kirtan yoga, arts & culture and a Food for Life program. The inauguration began at 11 am with some inspiring words from the sannyasis and 12 noon signalled the start of a twelve hour kirtan. Kadamba Kanana Swami led kirtan twice in the day and as always, got the crowd on their feet!

On Sunday morning, 8 September, Maharaja lectured from the Caitanya Caritamrta at the Sunday Feast, at Lenasia temple. The class centred on the glories of Lord Nityananda in the position of spiritual master. After leading kirtan while midday aarti was being offered to Nitai Gaura Hari, Maharaja immediately left for Midrand (about 50 km away) to honour an invitation by his disciples. Teachings from the Hamsaduta infiltrated the lecture which was at other times humorous as Maharaja spoke about being a messenger for Krsna and spiritual pizza!

A few days later, his journey continued to Durban. In the build-up to the main event, Radhastami, Maharaja gave several morning and evening classes. The day after Radhastami, Maharaja attended a preaching program at a Hall in Scottsburgh, about 60 km south of Durban.  On 15 September, Maharaja flew back to Johannesburg to participate in the 7th annual Ratha Yatra Festival in Soweto. This preaching endeavour is very dear to Kadamba Kanana Swami as he almost single-handedly funds the festival. Due to his current state of health, this year Maharaja threw sweets and fruit from the chariot instead of leading kirtan for the duration of the procession.

The next day, Maharaja travelled back to Durban. In the two days that he spent there, he lectured on the appearance day of Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur and attended the Vyasa Puja of Bhakti Chari Swami. Maharaja is currently in Cape Town, attending the 25th anniversary celebration of the Cape Town temple.

Photos and recordings from the various programs are presented below. To download an audio file, right-click on the title and save target as.


KKS_7 Sept_Sandton_12_hr Kirtan_Inauguration

KKS_7 Sept_Sandton_12 hr Kirtan_Part I

KKS_7 Sept_Sandton_12 hr Kirtan_Part II

KKS_8 Sept_Lenasia_Sunday Feast Bhajan

KKS_8 Sept_Lenasia_Sunday Feast Lecture

KKS_8 Sept_JHB_Home program_Class_Swans & Pizzas



KKS_11 Sept_Durban_Lecture_SB 1.3.38

KKS_11 Sept_Durban_Lalita Sasti_Lecture

KKS_11 Sept_Durban_Lalita Sasti_Bhajan

KKS_17 Sept_Durban_Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur Appearance Day_Lecture

KKS_17 Sept_Durban_Bhakti Charu Swami_Vyasa Puja Talk


** Update ** (Recordings from the Hall Program in Scottsburgh)

KKS_14 Sept_Durban South Coast_Hall Program_Class_Living in truth

KKS_14 Sept_Durban South Coast_Hall Program_Bhajan 1

KKS_14 Sept_Durban South Coast_Hall Program_Bhajan 2


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