Article by Bhakta Martin Kindt
After a marathon of events in Durban and Johannesburg, Kadamba Kanana Swami flew to cosmopolitan Cape Town, a city at the foot of Table Mountain. The highlights of his stay there were a six hour kirtan that was held on 21 September and the 25th Reunion Festival of the Cape Town temple that took place a day later. Several devotees shared their experiences and realisations from twenty-five years of Krsna consciousness in the Cape.
Gauri Mataji, who lived in the ladies ashram from 1995-2000, shared such nice memories of the spirit of the temple in those days when distributing 500 books a day was quite common! She also mentioned the lovable exchanges between the vaisnavas and the family atmosphere that existed. Bhakti Caitanya Swami, who also made a special trip to Cape Town to be part of the Reunion Festival, remembered so many details that the devotees were really impressed. Kadamba Kanana Swami spoke about the university preaching programs and the list of temple presidents he interacted with over the years.
Maharaja did many morning classes and evening programs in the week that he spent in Cape Town. He was also invited to the University of Cape Town campus for a student program. He led a sweet kirtan which was followed by a nice talk about the different levels of consciousness and the need for saintliness in this world. The students were really interested and chatted afterwards with Maharaja.
During his final evening program, Maharaja burned down the roof with another amazing kirtan and gave a very deep class of the importance of conquering the heart of guru.
From Cape Town, Maharaja travelled to Melbourne, Australia. Photos from the Cape Town visit are given below. If you cannot view the slide-show then please visit flickr.