Saturday, February 8


Kadamba Kanana Swami is in Mayapur for two weeks now. It is intended that Maharaja will spend a few months here due to various services. We present to you media from some of the highlights of his stay thus far.

On Friday, 15 November, was the auspicious celebration of the Vyasa Puja of HH Jayadvaita Swami. A private ceremony was held with disciples and grand-disciples. As is the tradition every year, following the Vyasa Puja, a big lunch feast was organised for all the disciples of Srila Prabhupada who were present in Mayapur.

On Sunday, 17 November, the day of Rasapurnima, Kadamba Kanana Swami presented a Srimad Bhagavatam class which was based on that pastime. On Friday, 22 November, Maharaja presented a class, accompanied by translation, to the Russian devotees. At midday, he did a program at the Gurukula and in the evening, he participated in the weekly Friday Night Kirtan which was held at the Community Hall.


Audio recordings

To download a file, right-click on the title and save target as.

JAS_Mayapur_15 November 2013_Vyasa Puja Address

KKS_Mayapur_17 November 2013_Rasapurnima_SB 10.33.19

KKS_Mayapur_22 November 2013_Russian_SB 5.6.18

KKS_Mayapur_22 November 2013_Gurukula_Lecture

KKS_Mayapur_22 November 2013_Gurukula_Kirtan



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