panca tattvaMaharaj’s stay in Mayapur continues. His service keeps him busy. We catch glimpses and short exchanges with him during and after the morning program. From time-to-time, he leads kirtan and gives Srimad Bhagavatam classes. In this way, our hearts get fulfilled.

Here are the latest recordings and pictures.  To download an audio file, please right-click on the title and save target as




KKS_Mayapur_28 December 2013_Lecture_SB 5.10.24

KKS_Mayapur_25 December 2013_Russian Lecture_SB 5.9.3

KKS_Mayapur_28 November 2013_Lecture_SB 5.9.11

KKS_Mayapur_23 November 2013_Lecture_Mamgachi

KKS_Mayapur_22 November 2013_Kirtan_Community Hall



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