Friday, February 7

mayapur sunriseWe will catch up on reporting on events taken place in January.

In Mayapur, the new year was greeted by a Kirtan Mela that featured Kadamba Kanana Swami and Lokanath Swami. The Kirtan Mela was held in Prabhupada Park which is behind the Lotus Building. The program started at 7 pm on the eve and continued until after midnight. Despite it being a cold night, a large crowd turned up which were mostly international members of the Mayapur community. A huge fire and melodious kirtans kept them going. At the stroke of midnight, a fireworks display lit up the sky.

In the first week of the new year, Maharaj presented a three-part Caitanya Caritamrta seminar to the Russian devotees. Each seminar was two hours long. Unfortunately, part one of the seminar was not recorded, however parts two and three were and are available for download below.

Maharaj continues giving Srimad Bhagavatam classes and doing other programs whenever possible. On Sunday (12 January), he was invited to a program at the house of Doyal Gauranga Prabhu, a resident of Mayapur. On Monday (13 January), Maharaj spent the morning with students of the Kirtan Academy. There was kirtan, a Q&A session and a discourse on Caitanya Caritamrta. The Kirtan Academy is a relatively new concept in Mayapur and you may read all about it on their website. Recordings from these two programs will follow shortly.

Maharaj’s service with the TOVP project is ongoing and as part of it, this week he had to travel to Abu Dhabi and to Johannesburg, to meet with engineers. In this short visit to South Africa, he will present the lecture at the Sunday program (19 January) at the temple in Durban which also coincides with the Chandra Yatra festival of Sri Sri Radha Radhanath.

We would like to acknowledge the following devotees who have assisted with photos and recordings for the blog in recent times: Bhadra Balaram Das, Pradyumna Misra Das, Vibhu Caitanya Das, Candrasekhara Das and Malini dd.


Audio recordings

KKS_Mayapur_31 December 2014_Kirtan

KKS_Mayapur_1 January 2014_CC Seminar_Russian_Part 2

KKS_Mayapur_3 January 2014_CC Seminar_Russian_Part 3

KKS_Mayapur_January 2014_Lecture_Russian_SB 5.10.6



Here are pictures from all the programs mentioned above as well as darshans of Sri Giriraja. If you cannot view the slide-show, then please visit flickr.

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