Sunday, February 9

Caitanya-Mahaprabhu-29The salt, wind blown waves of the sandy shores of Jagannath Puri dham await us all in an unlikely yet familiar place—at the 61st Vyasa Puja ceremony of our dear Guru Maharaj in Radhadesh, Belgium.

This year we will take a trip to the transcendental realm of Lord Chaitanya’s pastimes with the Lord of the Universe and try to fix our hearts in the form of the Lord that drove Chaitanya Mahaprabhu mad! So please bring your Jagannath Deities with you, to put them in the “Jagannath temple” altar that will be created in the community hall.

Guru Maharaj’s Vyasa Puja event is taking place on April 24th – 26th, Guru Maharaj himself will be staying in Radhadesh until May 1st. There is now an official flyer already on the KKS blog.

Here is the finalized SCHEDULE of the festival:

Thursday 24th          – Arrivals and Cultural Program
Friday 25th                – Vyasa puja ceremony and Initiations
Saturday 26th         – Kingsday harinam in Amsterdam
Sunday 27th             – Departures


If you haven’t registered yet please do so: but please do not register twice.


The Cultural Program is on the evening of April 24th (Thursday), the first day of the festival.

 The Vyasa puja team is hoping that devotees of the various yatras (different countries) have something they would like to present. We were hoping to have around 4 yatras represented. What we are looking for:

  • 20 – 30 min skit/drama/slideshow/presentation

  • It must be related to the theme of the Chaitanya Charitamrita, topical or something personal to do with Guru Maharaj

  • The Vyasa Puja team should be asked for approval first.

*One idea for a skit inspiration: This is a class that Guru Maharaj gave that could be acted out in some way?

Cultural Program Schedule 

17:30 – 18:30 Welcome message and “icebreaker” by Sutapa das
18:30 – 20:30 Entertainment
20:30 – 21:20 Bhajans (possibly in the temple room with Guru Maharaj) 


A few requests

1) If you are planning on staying in Amsterdam after the Kingsday please NOTIFY us now so we can make a count to let the temple management know in advance.

2) If you have not yet signed up for service on the Google Drive document please do so now. If you do not have access to Google Drive, or you do not know how to use it – please let us know what service you are interested in or if you would like to do service or we can assign you something! To sign up for service please use this link: Service list


We are happy to announce that we slowly reaching the desired fundraising goal, thank you! You are very welcome to donate if you have not yet.

If you are able to contribute financially, please contact Gopali  at or send your contributions directly via paypal or bank account. This is direct link to donate by paypal.

Bank account details: Please contact us.


If you have any FURTHER QUESTIONS contact us at: or

Your servants,

Uddhava das
Gopali dasi
Anasuya devi dasi
Savitri devi dasi
Kumari Kunti
Gita Govinda

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