12 april 2014In the days preceding the Ratha Yatra festival, Kadamba Kanana Swami did programs around Durban. Audio recordings and photos are presented below. These include Maharaj’s address at the disciple program which took place on 12 April as well as lectures on the glories of Hanuman in commemoration of Hanuman Jayanti.



KKS_SA_12 April 2014_DBN_Disciple Meeting

 KKS_SA_13 April 2014_Tongaat_Lecture_Hanuman

KKS_SA_15 April 2014_PMB_Lecture_Hanuman

KKS_SA_16 April 2014_DBN_Lecture_SB 1.7.34

KKS_SA_16 April 2014_NJP_Kirtan

KKS_SA_16 April 2014_NJP_Lecture_NOD



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