Thursday, January 16

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 22 June 2014, Bhaktivedanta Manor, London, Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-Lila 8.63-66)

DSC09707When Krsna left Vrindavan and entered the wrestling arena in Mathura, which was all staged by Kamsa, it is described that different people in the audience were perceiving Krsna in different ways. Some were seeing Krsna as paramatma; the ladies in Mathura were very attracted to Krsna and saw him as cupid personified but it was also said that there were some people in the audience who saw him just like stone because when one’s heart is made of stone then one thinks that the deity is made of stone.

The Caitanya Caritamrta describes how Lord Caitanya left West Bengal and went to Jagannath Puri. It is described that when he went to Jagannath Puri, on the way he stopped in a few places – one place was Remuna and another place was just outside of Puri, at the temple of Saksi-gopal. Then we get to hear both those stories – the story of Ksira-cora-gopinath in Remuna and the story of Saksi-gopal.

In the story of Ksira-cora-gopinath, Lord Caitanya remembered how previously Madhavendra Puri was there and how Madhavendra Puri had heard about the sweet rice which they offer in Remuna to the deity of Gopinath; it is known as amrta-keli – a play of nectar. It was very famous. So when he saw this offering that was going on, he developed a desire to offer a similar preparation to his own deity, and therefore he desired to know the taste. Then he was thinking, “I am such a sinful wretch. I am desiring to taste things when the offering is not even completed!” He left that place seeing himself as an offender but later that night, the pujari had a dream.

gopinath_remunaIn his dream, the pujari saw the deity of Gopinath who told him that he had reserved a pot of sweet rice for his devotee Madhavendra Puri and the deity ordered the pujari to make arrangements to deliver that sweet rice. So, the pujari immediately got up, first took his bath and then went onto the altar to take that sweet rice and deliver it to Madhavendra Puri although he had no idea who Madhavendra Puri was or where he was! But he just took the sweet rice and went calling out loud, “Is there some called Madhavendra Puri? The Lord has kept some sweet rice for you… Oh, Madhavendra Puri!” Eventually, Madhavendra Puri identified himself and got that sweet rice.

The other story of Saksi-gopal, is of two brahmanas is Vrindavan. One is elderly and wealthy and the younger other one was quite poor. The younger one served the elder one very nicely and as a result, the elder one was so pleased that he said, “You should marry my daughter.” The younger brahmana said, “Sir, you are an aristocratic brahmana and I am just a simple person. I am not a suitable match! Your family will not approve.” The elderly brahmana replied, “No, you must marry my daughter! I am the boss in my house.” But when they returned home, it wasn’t quite so. The family was very upset and threw a major tantrum. His wife was saying that she would commit suicide and the rest of the family said that they will take poison and kill themselves! Finally the elder brahmana asked, “What do I do? I made a promise!” His eldest son said, “Just say that you don’t remember…”

gopalSo the situation came when the young brahmana asked for the promised to be fulfilled and the elder brahmana said, “I cannot remember!” As is customary in India, when there is some disagreement, then a crowd of people get involved and they pass judgment. So the whole village was called and they heard the story from both sides and they were in doubt.

The young brahmana said, “I have a witness. The deity is my witness!” and he went to Vrindavan and he brought that deity. He went before the deity and said, “Gopal, you have to come as a witness.” Gopal said, “I am a deity. How can I walk?” The young brahmana said, “If you can talk, you can walk!” So subsequently, the deity walked across India and came to the village to testify and then everyone believed the younger brahmana.

Both the stories are interesting because they show that the deity is Krsna. In both stories, the deity becomes active and does things. In this way, there is no doubt… it takes it beyond doubt, “Is he really God?” The stories prove that the deity is really the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


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